The history of Fida G. began in 1991 with the aim of specializing in the processing of special steels.
Since then, like the company, our Vision has evolved over time, and today, is expressed in the ambitious idea of being among the best European Steel Service Centers in the market of high yield strength steels.

First of all, we have organized our Management System according to ISO 9001, ISO 3834,  and ISO 45001 standards, integrating them.
In fact, we believe that the resulting organisational model is the most effective tool for measuring one’s own performance; but above all, that it is a tool aimed at continuous improvement in all areas of the company.

We are sure that an organizational model cannot be lowered from above as a mere imposed decision, but conversely, we believe that a winning system must be supported by the constant involvement of all staff levels.

And it’s for this reason that the Fida g. General Management has put into practice a basic concept: to place the “man” at the center of the company system, including the function “Human Resources” within its organization chart, with the specific task of increasing knowledge and develop the skills of each individual person, so that, each can make its own active contribution to the organization improvement, and feel an integral part of the team.

Increasingly complex technology, capillary and constantly branching organization, necessary personal skills, are the main aspects of a company, and have as their common denominator the “person”.

It’s, therefore, people, through their growth within an Integrated Management System, well organized according to effective and efficient procedures, which allow us to achieve clear and ambitious objectives, an expression of our Mission:

  • Continuous improvement Integrated management system  for service and product offered;
  • Technological development able to respond to the new needs of the customer;
  • Customer satisfaction in order to establish long-lasting collaborative relationships;
  • Partnerships with qualified suppliers;
  • Professional growth of all employees;
  • High level of safety in the working environment, by eliminating hazards and reducing risks in order to prevent occupational accidents and diseases;
  • Fulfillment of legal requirements;
  • Commitment to consultation and active participation of workers;
  • Minimum environmental impact of the company;

Sure of everyone’s involvement, we hope that our business successes will bring satisfaction in what we believe in and do on a daily basis.

Maurizio Fida
General Management

Fida G
Company Mission